Small Arboreal Rice Rat
Oecomys bicolor
Size: body=10 cm; tail=12 cm; weight=30 g
Description: Small, red mouse. Upperparts uniform reddish-brown, contrasting with pure white belly. Long, brown tail with a slight tuft of hairs at the tip. Hind feet short and broad. Eyeshine bright reddish-orange.
Activity: Nocturnal, arboreal.
Habits: Solitary. This handsome mouse feeds on seeds and fruits. Most commonly seen darting around in low vines, small trees, or small branches.
Habitat: Primary or secondary forest and in clearings; favors low vines near creeks or in seasonally flooded forest. Often occupies roofs and rafters of buildings near forest, where it is easily seen.
Status: Locally common in Iwokrama.
Distribution in Iwokrama