Panthera onca
Makushi name: Wayamaikî, Kaikusi
Creole name: Tiger, Pouss, Turtle Tiger
Size: body=1.25 m; tail=55 cm; weight=70 kg
Description: Very large and spotted; black spots forming open, broken circles, with a small central spot; heavy-set with a massive head and relatively short, thick legs. Tail shorter than hind limbs. This is the largest carnivore in Iwokrama. Eyeshine bright greenish-yellow.
Activity: Nocturnal and diurnal; mainly terrestrial, will climb low trees, and it swims well.
Habits: Solitary. It is sometimes seen walking along trails, road-sides, riversides, or other gaps at forest edge. Preys on large animals such as Capybara, peccaries, deer, and turtles. Most often silent, it occasionally roars or makes a loud series of grunts.
Habitat: Primary forest and forest edge.
Signs: Tracks, which are seen more often then the cat itself, are broad (in adults, 95 mm or more across), with four toes that have rounded toe pads, and no claw marks. The foot pad of the track is broad and rounded at the top (whereas it is indented at the top in Puma).
Status: Uncommon. Listed on CITES Appendix I. IUCN rank of Lower Risk.