Chestnut Sac-winged Bat
Cormura brevirostris
Size: body=5 cm; weight=9 g
Description: Medium-sized chestnut brown with glandular sacs extending to the edge of wing in front of elbows. Wing membrane attaches near base of toe.
Activity: Nocturnal. Begins to forage in the early evening.
Habits: Feeds on small insects. Roosts in large rotting logs and in tree hollows in small groups. Roosting individuals may stack up on top of each other.
Habitat: Lowland rainforest. Open spaces near the edge of forest or over water. Often seen fluttering over the road through Iwokrama Forest.
Status: Locally common. In Iwokrama this is the most commonly encountered bat roosting in large fallen logs.
Distribution in Iwokrama