Black bonnetted bat

Black Bonneted Bat
Eumops auripendulus Black Bonneted Bat image
Size: body=8 cm; tail=4 cm; weight=30 g 
Description: Large, brownish black bat. Ears extend over flat face to tip of nose. Long tail extends well beyond tail membrane (this is why it belongs to the group with the common name “free-tailed bats”). 
Activity: High-flying aerial insectivore. 
Habits: Feeds on large insect prey. Roosts in small groups in tree hollows and buildings. 
Habitat: Rainforest and clearings. 
Status: Often common. 
Distribution in Iwokrama

Iwokrama Riverlodge COVID-19 Tourism Protocols

Providing assurance for a clean and healthy environment for visitors and staff at Iwokrama locations. The Iwokrama Hygiene and Sanitation Protocol is an addition to Iwokrama’s Safety and Health Manual. This new protocol is implemented as a result of the COVID – 19 Pandemic. It includes new guidelines and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy environment for staff, tourists and other visitors. This Protocol is subject to change without notice and is based on current Government of Guyana regulations and other health and safety best practices.