Spix’s Disked-winged Bat
Thyroptera tricolor
Size: body=4 cm; tail=3 cm; weight=4 g
Description: Very small and delicate bat with long fluffy fur. Upperparts dark brown and underparts whitish. Extensive membrane between legs with long tail extending just beyond the edge. Suction cups on thumbs and heels.
Activity: Their flight is quite agile and manoeuvrable making them difficult to catch in nets.
Habits: Probably catches small insects in flight. Roosts upright in furledHeliconia leaves and uses suction-cup-like disks on wrists and ankles to move along the slick surface. New roost sites are found almost everyday as the leaves unroll and open. Up to 9 bats live in a roost.
Habitat: Lowland rainforest.
Status: Uncommon.
Distribution in Iwokrama