Woolly Mouse Opossum
Micoureus demerarae
Size: body= 18 cm; tail= 23 cm; weight= 100 g
Description: Largest mouse opossum: fur long and woolly; back and head greyish- brown; cheeks orangish and belly greyish-orange or yellow; prominent black eye ring. The long tail is furred for 25-50 mm from its base; naked portion of the tail dark brown with a mottled white tip. Female does not have a pouch. Eyeshine bright red.
Activity: Nocturnal, mainly arboreal in understory or sub canopy.
Habits: Usually solitary, eats insects, small vertebrates and fruit. Common in dense viney vegetation along the edges of streams. Usually build nests in vine tangles or crowns of palms.
Habitat: Primary and secondary forest, especially dense viney vegetation along the edges of streams. Like the Murine Opossum they will inhabit houses in forested areas.
Status: Common in Iwokrama.
Distribution in Iwokrama