Tapirus terrestris
Makushi name: Waira
Creole name: Bush Cow, Bush Donkey
Size: body=2 m; weight=250 kg
Description: This is the largest mammal in Iwokrama. Grey; with an elongated, trunk-like, downwardly curved snout, and a short tail. Dark crest of hair beginning on the forehead and extending past the ears. Eyeshine reddish, moderately bright.
Activity: Nocturnal and diurnal; terrestrial but also spends time in streams and swims well.
Habits: Solitary. Although usually shy and quiet, when disturbed it often escapes by crashing through the underbrush. It may also snort and stomp, and individuals communicate with one another using a loud, long whistle. During the day, it usually rests in swampy areas in thick vegetation.
Habitat: Forest, especially near streams, creek beds, and swamps with dense brush, although it ranges widely and can be seen far from water.
Signs: The three-toed tracks are distinctive and often persistent in mud (the fourth toe of the front foot also shows), where this large animal leaves deep impressions.
Status: Locally common. Listed on CITES Appendix II. IUCN rank of Lower Risk.
Distribution in Iwokrama