
Tapirus terrestris Tapir image
Makushi name: Waira 
Creole name: Bush Cow, Bush Donkey 
Size: body=2 m; weight=250 kg 
Description: This is the largest mammal in Iwokrama. Grey; with an elongated, trunk-like, downwardly curved snout, and a short tail. Dark crest of hair beginning on the forehead and extending past the ears. Eyeshine reddish, moderately bright. 
Activity: Nocturnal and diurnal; terrestrial but also spends time in streams and swims well. 
Habits: Solitary. Although usually shy and quiet, when disturbed it often escapes by crashing through the underbrush. It may also snort and stomp, and individuals communicate with one another using a loud, long whistle. During the day, it usually rests in swampy areas in thick vegetation. 
Habitat: Forest, especially near streams, creek beds, and swamps with dense brush, although it ranges widely and can be seen far from water. 
Signs: The three-toed tracks are distinctive and often persistent in mud (the fourth toe of the front foot also shows), where this large animal leaves deep impressions. 
Status: Locally common. Listed on CITES Appendix II. IUCN rank of Lower Risk. 
Distribution in Iwokrama

Iwokrama Riverlodge COVID-19 Tourism Protocols

Providing assurance for a clean and healthy environment for visitors and staff at Iwokrama locations. The Iwokrama Hygiene and Sanitation Protocol is an addition to Iwokrama’s Safety and Health Manual. This new protocol is implemented as a result of the COVID – 19 Pandemic. It includes new guidelines and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy environment for staff, tourists and other visitors. This Protocol is subject to change without notice and is based on current Government of Guyana regulations and other health and safety best practices.