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Research from Newcastle University

Bovolo, C. I., Pereira, R., Parkin, G., Kilsby, C. and Wagner, T. (2011), Fine-scale regional climate patterns in the Guianas, tropical South America, based on observations and reanalysis data. International Journal of Climatology 2011, DOI: 10.1002/joc.2387 pdf paper

conference contributions

Bovolo, C.I., Losos, E., T. Wagner, (2010). Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development; Combating Climate Change-The Evidence. 18th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, Edinburgh, UK, June -July 2010.

Bovolo, C.I., Parkin, G., Wagner, T., James, P. Hydro-climate monitoring in the Guyana Rainforest, South America: A real world challenge for scientific workflow management. Proceedings of the Second Open Source GIS UK Conference (OSGIS2010), Workflows for Earth Observation Systems workshop, University of Nottingham, 21st June, 2010

Bovolo, C.I., Pereira, R., Parkin, G., Kilsby, C. Wagner (2010). Investigating the Climatic Transition Zone in Guyana, South America. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 2010.

Bovolo, C.I., Pereira, R., Parkin, G., Wagner, T., Kilsby, C. Using reanalysis data to establish the precipitation and temperature regime of the Guianas of South America. BHS 2010: Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the British Hydrological Society, Newcastle, 19th-23rd July, ISBN: 1 903741 17 3. 2010

Bovolo, C.I., Pereira, R.A., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. (2010) Establishing a baseline precipitation and temperature regime for the Guianas from observations and reanalysis data, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-12851-1, 2010 European Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2010.

Bovolo, C.I., Pereira, R.A., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. (2010) Climate patterns in the Guianas

Bovolo, C.I., Pereira, R.A., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. Climate & Hydrology Monitoring in Iwokrama

Parkin, G., Bovolo, C.I., Wagner, T. Initial Assessment of the Climate of Guyana and the Region with a Focus on Iwokrama:
Hydrological Monitoring & Modelling Strategy.
 A 4 month pilot study supported by the Commonwealth Secretariat in collaboration with the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development June 2009

Pereira, R., Bovolo, I., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. (2010). The dynamic variability of dissolved and particulate organic matter and nutrients in a changing tropical rainforest: First results from a new geochemical program in northern Amazonia, Guyana. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), December 2010.

Pereira, R.A., Bovolo, C.I., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. Variability of organic matter and nutrients in a tropical rainforest, Guyana – towards a dry season baseline

Pereira, R., Spencer, R., Hernes, P., Dyda, R., Bovollo, I., Pedentschouk, N., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. (2011): Geochemical characterization of the impact of landuse change on soil and riverine organic matter dynamics in a pristine tropical rainforest, Guyana. 25nd IMOG, Interlaken, Switzerland

Pereira, R.A., Spencer, R.G.M., Bovolo, C.I., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. Insights into riverine dissolved organic matter via absorbance spectroscopy, Guyana – working towards a baseline


Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development. Using a forest without losing it

Parkin, G., Wagner, T., Bovolo, C.I., Pereira, R.A. Iwokrama Climate and Hydrology Monitoring Programme: Equipment and Monitoring Sites

Bovolo C.I., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. Initial assessment of the climate of Guyana with a focus on Iwokrama. Report produced for the Commonwealth Secretariat. School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Bovolo, C.I., Parkin, G., Wagner, T. Initial Assessment of the Climate of Guyana and the Region with a Focus on Iwokrama: Main Report. A 4 month pilot study supported by the Commonwealth Secretariat in collaboration with the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development June 2009

Iwokrama: A Model for the World Bringing together people, science and business in rainforest management and investment

Zelda van der Waal. Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) National Assessment, Conservation status of Pteronura brasilienis in Guyana

abstracts and posters

Bovolo C. I., Pereira R., Parkin G., Wagner T. Investigating the climatic transition zone in Guyana, South America. Abstract H51A-0864 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 13-17 Dec. 2010

Pereira R., Bovolo C. I., Parkin G., Wagner T. The dynamic variability of dissolved and particulate organic matter and nutrients in a changing tropical rainforest: first results from a new geochemical program in northern Amazonia, Guyana. Abstract H51A-0849 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 13-17 Dec. 2010

Parkin G., Wagner T., Bovolo C. I., Pereira R. Impacts of human activity and climate on the hydrology and ecosystem services of forests in the Guianas on the northern rim of Amazonia. Abstract H53G-05 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif. 13-17 Dec. 2010

Pereira R.A., Bovolo C. I., Parkin G., Wagner T. The dynamic variability of dissolved and particulate organic matter and nutrients in a changing tropical rainforest: First results from a new geochemical program in northern Amazonia, Guyana. Proceedings of the BOGS (British Organic Geochemistry Society) Conference 2010.

Bovolo C. I., Pereira R., Parkin G., Wagner T. Establishing a baseline precipitation and temperature regime for the Guianas from observations and reanalysis data. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12 EGU2010-12851-1, 2010. (Abstract & Poster)


Iwokrama Riverlodge COVID-19 Tourism Protocols

Providing assurance for a clean and healthy environment for visitors and staff at Iwokrama locations. The Iwokrama Hygiene and Sanitation Protocol is an addition to Iwokrama’s Safety and Health Manual. This new protocol is implemented as a result of the COVID – 19 Pandemic. It includes new guidelines and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy environment for staff, tourists and other visitors. This Protocol is subject to change without notice and is based on current Government of Guyana regulations and other health and safety best practices.